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Let's Begin

2020 wasn’t easy (duh, right?), but I grew in ways I didn’t even know were possible for me. Like, life-changing-complete-180°-way-of-being type growth. I want to share with the intention of inspiring and empowering others that want to create change in their life too.

By the end of last year, there were two major things I was ready to let go of. Not even knowing the extent of how toxic these things were in my life, I was simply done existing that way. I wanted to leave behind:

✨My perfectionism - I was done feeling awful about myself because I couldn’t produce perfect results. Why? Perfect doesn’t exist. This took me a while to get through my head, but once I let go of the idea that I could produce perfection I was instantly more free from that harsh inner critic I had.

✨”My anxiety” - I spent so many years identifying as my anxiety. The same went for my depression, though for some reason I attached myself more to anxiety. It was like this hat that I proudly wore even though I also told myself I wasn’t wearing it and never let someone help me take it off….if you’ve dealt with anxiety or depression before then that might be something you can relate to. By separating myself from my anxiety (while still holding love and acceptance for that part of me that’s anxious) I could finally see that I am not My Anxiety and I am so much bigger and more powerful than that identity.

These were major roots to the spirals of anxiety and depression I had been trapped in since I was just a little girl. They felt like mountains I carried around with me. There were seasons of my life where they felt more like foothills, but I was still carrying a frickin’ hill in those lighter seasons. So one of my goals for 2021 was to finally stop carrying them. It wasn’t that I felt like I couldn’t continue carrying them, I just finally realized I was carrying them and I didn’t want to anymore. And here we are, three months into the new year, and I am no longer exhausted and drained from carrying my mountains.

This means I no longer wake up in the morning already nauseous from stress. Now I don’t feel that hard pit in the middle of my chest that I didn’t even realize was there until it was gone. I can actually sleep! I enjoy my free time without constantly stressing about what “I should be doing instead.”

It’s been game changing. And liberating. And the most beautiful transformation I’ve gone through.

So what changed? What’d I do?

I started the Institute for Coaching Mastery with Alyssa Nobriga. What began as me following my gut towards growing and developing myself quickly turned into me realizing I had just opened the door to a passion and purpose that I had never before felt. When I say that this work is life changing, I’m not even exaggerating. But why? Why is it different? What’s actually happening?

What I love about this type of coaching and methodology is that it works from the inside out. As in, by transforming your inner world and changing your relationship with yourself, your outside world will follow suit and grow with you. It’s so authentic and real and empowering, I absolutely love it! And this lays a beautiful foundation for actual, long lasting change.

My experience with this coaching has totally changed my relationship with myself and with others, I’ve gotten clarity and purpose in my career, and I’ve learned how much wisdom I already hold and how to use that inner guidance (I like to call her my Intuition) to reach any goal I set. And this is for the rest of my life! (I literally get butterflies and feel giddy at that thought!)

I feel so alive at the thought of supporting others through their own growths so that they are inspired and empowered to be who they want to be and live the life they want to live.

I am currently taking new clients for both professional and personal life coaching! If you are ready to go from Good to Great or even better, reach out and let’s see how we can get you there.


I want to hear from you, what are you working towards right now? How are you growing? Where do you want to grow more? Let me know below!

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